Polar TEP is an integral part of the wider polar data ecosystem.
The following are some other polar data platforms that are collaborating with Polar TEP.

ESA Open Science Catalogue
The ESA Open Science Catalogue provides links to publicly available geoscience products, datasets and resources developed in the frame of scientific research Projects funded by ESA EO (Earth Observation). Products vary in geographical and temporal extent, production methodology, validation, and quality. In the majority of cases, the catalogue holds metadata for each product and project. The actual data and its documentation are maintained by and accessible from the data providers, outside of esa.int. One of the themes is the cryosphere.

Cryosphere Virtual Laboratory
Cryosphere Virtual Lab is a project funded by the European Space Agency and will build up a system that will use recent information and communication technologies to facilitate the exploitation analysis, sharing, mining and visualization of the massive amounts of earth observation data available. The system will utilize available satellite, in-situ and model data from ESA/EU, Svalbard Observatory (SIOS) and other sources. CVL will foster collaboration between cryosphere scientists and allow to reduce the time and effort spent searching for data, and to develop their own tools for processing and analysis.

The Canadian Consortium for Arctic Data Interoperability is developing an Arctic Research Data Infrastructure (ARDI) predicated on a vision to support and grow a research community that fully engages Inuit; that is properly governed so as to enhance individual, local, regional, national, and international initiatives in data management and research; and that builds capacity across a network of linked data centres with common standards, practices, tools, and expertise. It will facilitate data discovery and description, enabling data to be shared across systems for upload, analysis, and visualization. Key elements are:
- Standards and mechanisms for metadata interoperability, semantic interoperability, and implementation of these.
- Distributed data exchange platform for contributors, users, and repositories.
- Streamlined data services with common entry, access, search, match, analysis, visualization & output tools.
- Intellectual property and sensitive data service.
- Data stewardship capacity.

Cryo2Ice Platform
The Cryo2Ice QuickStart enables users to discover, visualise and download geospatial-temporal intersections among CryoSat-2, ICESat-2, and other data. Standard Combined Products for common queries and Custom Query Examples for targeted investigations are provided.